Everything you never wanted to know about PFAS.

You have likely used at least one PFAS (poly and perfluoroalkyl substances) product today.

In fact, you have probably been exposed to at least three sources by the time you arrive at your desk for school or work. PFAS chemicals are used in everything from eye drops and shampoo bottles, to carpets and chairs, to the coating on compostable plates and bowls. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are man-made compounds that include up to 5,000 chemicals and have been widely used in the manufacturing of clothing, sealants and stains, furniture fabrics, Teflon™-coated products, food packaging, and other materials since the 1940s.


You probably have PFAS in your blood and it isn’t healthy for you.

According to the CDC, most people in the United States have been exposed to the 6 major PFAS chemicals and most Americans have high levels of PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonic acid) in their blood. Scientific studies have linked PFAS exposure to health issues including, but not limited to; Testicular, kidney, liver and pancreatic cancer, infertility, weakened childhood immunity, low birth weight, endocrine disruption, increased cholesterol, and weight gain in children and adults.

We can destroy PFAS

Toxic Forever Chemicals? HA!